Creativity and positive impact

Alternative investments

Altaal is a value driven investment firm acting both as principal investor and asset manager.

We structure, invest and provide external capital for green real estate, transition infrastructure and sustainable credit opportunities.

Our investment style offers a unique and direct operational approach through our knowledge platforms and their niche strategies coupled with a bespoke ESG agenda.

+ 15 %


Historical return

+ 10



10 +


Transaction experience

100 %

Sustainability status

Certified buildings


Capital solutions

Capital solutions

About capital solutions



About credit



About infrastructure

Real estate

Real estate

About real estate


Nordic Credit Partners

@Nordic Credit Partners

Harvest time for real estate credit During October, NCP 2XL generated a return of +0.64% (+14.4% YTD) thanks to a continued recovery in our real estate related investments. But now harvest season for real estate credit is here. Sign up and read our full monthly report:


Toivotamme Mehiläisen tervetulleeksi Colony Airportiin!

Toivotamme Mehiläisen tervetulleeksi Colony Airportiin! &#x1F33F @mehilainenoy Olemme innoissamme voidessamme ilmoittaa, että olemme solmineet vihreän vuokrasopimuksen Mehiläisen kanssa, joka muuttaa 1 500 neliömetrin tiloihin LEED Platinum -sertifioidussa rakennuksessamme kesäkuussa 2025. Mehiläinen on yksi Suomen luotetuimmista yksityisistä terveydenhuollon tarjoajista ja mukana toteuttamassa visiotamme kestävästä ja modernista työympäristöstä. Tervetuloa Colony Airportiin! ✈️ *** Colony welcomes Mehiläinen to Colony Airport! &#x1F33F We are excited to announce that we have signed a green lease with Mehiläinen, who will move into 1,500 sqm at our LEED Platinum-certified building in June 2025. Mehiläinen, one of Finland’s most trusted private healthcare providers, will help us realize our vision of creating sustainable and modern work environments. Welcome to Colony Airport, where sustainability meets innovation! ✈️ #greenlease #sustainability #realestate #leasingnews #ColonyOffices #toimitilat #toimisto #uusitoimisto #newbeginnings #kiinteistökehitys

Colony - Green hybrid offices

@Colony - Green hybrid offices
&#x1F33F Colony welcomes Mehiläinen to Colony Airport!

&#x1F33F Colony welcomes Mehiläinen to Colony Airport! &#x1F33F We are excited to announce that we have signed a green lease with Mehiläinen, who will move into 1,500 sqm at our LEED Platinum-certified building in June 2025. Mehiläinen, one of Finland’s most trusted private healthcare providers, will help us realize our vision of creating sustainable and modern work environments. Welcome to Colony Airport, where sustainability meets innovation! ✈️ #greenlease #sustainability #realestate #leasingnews #ColonyOffices

Colony - Green hybrid offices

@Colony - Green hybrid offices
Yesterday, Colony board member Klaus Hansen Vikström was featured in Fastighetsvärlden!

Yesterday, Colony board member Klaus Hansen Vikström was featured in Fastighetsvärlden! We’re proud to have Klaus on Colony’s team. Read his chronicle and join us in shaping green workplaces that foster connection, creativity, and collaboration. &#x1F3E2&#x1F4BC☕&#x1F33F Read more here (Swedish only)



Kesälomien jälkeen on jälleen herännyt laaja keskustelu etä-, hydridi- ja läsnätyöstä &#x1F5E3️ Me Colonylla kannustamme yrityksiä ratkaisuihin, jotka vastaavat sekä työntekijöiden että liiketoiminnan tarpeisiin dynaamisessa ja nopeasti muuttuvassa työympäristössä. Colonyn kaikkien toimipaikkojen tilat on suunniteltu tukemaan hybridityötä: tarjoamme niin hiljaisia tiloja keskittymistä vaativiin tehtäviin kuin myös avoimia tiloja tiimityöskentelyyn ja sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Haluamme aidosti panostaa työntekijöiden hyvinvointiin sekä kukoistavaan yrityskulttuuriin! &#x1F48E&#x1F64C *** After the holidays, a wide discussion about remote, hybrid and presence work has arisen again &#x1F5E3️ At Colony, we encourage companies to come up with solutions that meet the needs of both employees and business in a dynamic and rapidly changing work environment. The spaces at all of Colony’s locations are designed to support hybrid work: we offer quiet spaces for tasks that require concentration, as well as open spaces for teamwork and social interaction. We really want to invest in the well-being of employees and a thriving company culture! &#x1F48E&#x1F64C #hybridwork #teamwork #office #newoffice #hybridityöskentely #toimisto #toimistoelämää #toimitilat #toimitilathelsinki #toimitilatespoo #toimitilatvantaa #uusitoimisto #vapaatatoimitilaa


Expo Real 2024: We are looking forward to meet with old and new friends to discuss real estate theme

Expo Real 2024: We are looking forward to meet with old and new friends to discuss real estate themes and trends. Available in Munich on October 7-9.

Colony - Green hybrid offices

@Colony - Green hybrid offices
Welcome, Sustera Group!

Welcome, Sustera Group! &#x1F30D✨ We're thrilled to announce that Colony has signed a green lease with Sustera Group for approximately 3,000 sqm in our Pitäjänmäki office. Sustera, known for its mission to enhance building value, health, and environmental friendliness, will move in January 2025. With a BREEAM environmental certification and spaces designed for productivity and collaboration, Colony Pitäjänmäki is the perfect fit for forward-thinking companies like Sustera. #GreenLease #SustainableOffice #ColonyOffices #Sustera #Pitäjänmäki #EcoFriendly #WorkplaceWellbeing


Meillä on ilo ilmoittaa, että Colony on allekirjoittanut vuokrasopimuksen @susterafinland kanssa n

Meillä on ilo ilmoittaa, että Colony on allekirjoittanut vuokrasopimuksen @susterafinland kanssa noin 3000 neliömetristä toimistotilaa Pitäjänmäen toimistorakennuksessamme. Sustera, joka tunnetaan missiostaan parantaa rakennusten arvoa ja ympäristöystävällisyyttä, muuttaa tiloihin tammikuussa 2025. Pitäjänmäen rakennuksemme tarjoaa upeita palveluja, kuten kaksi kuntosalia, yhteissähköauton, pyykkipalvelut sekä herkulliset ravintolapalvelut Maple Street -ravintolaasa ja Cafe Roastissa. Lisäksi se on erittäin helposti saavutettavissa Huopalahden juna-aseman ja Raide-Jokerin ansiosta. BREEAM-ympäristösertifikaatin ja tuottavuutta ja yhteistyötä edistävien tilojen ansiosta Colony Pitäjänmäki on täydellinen valinta edistyksellisille yrityksille kuten Sustera. Tervetuloa, Sustera Group! &#x1F30D✨ // We’re thrilled to announce that Colony has signed a green lease with Sustera Group for approximately 3,000 sqm in our Pitäjänmäki office. Sustera, known for its mission to enhance building value, health, and environmental friendliness, will move in January 2025 Welcome, Sustera Group! &#x1F30D✨ #GreenLease #SustainableOffice #ColonyOffices #Sustera #Pitäjänmäki #EcoFriendly #workplacewellbeing #greenhybridoffice #greenoffice #helsinkitoimisto #toimitilat #uusitoimisto #uudettoimitilat #toimistonmuutto

Systematic investment process

Value creation

Our proven and systematic investment process involves skilled professionals from different backgrounds to evaluate every aspect of each investment and business plan, which increases the success rate of our underwriting.

Our engagement is not limited in time, and we do not have any predetermined return requirements. We target attractive risk-adjusted returns, without compromising our core values.

Altaal is a signatory and supporter of the internationally recognised Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), member of INREV and member IPE.


New lease with Sony

Apr 2024

New lease with SSH

Mar 2024

Gerako chooses Colony

Dec 2023

Green lease with DHL HQ

Jun 2023

Marine acquisition

Nov 2022

18,000 sqm acquisition

Oct 2022

19,000 sqm acquisition

Oct 2022

10 year green lease

Jun 2022


Edward Ekbom

Edward Ekbom

Investment manager


Investment manager


Emil Ahlin

Emil Ahlin

Investment manager


Investment manager


Erik Penser

Erik Penser

Founder & Board member


Founder & Board member


Henrik Schmidt

Henrik Schmidt

Founder & Board member


Founder & Board member


Jakob Eliasson

Jakob Eliasson

Founder & Board member


Founder & Board member


Jenny Penser

Jenny Penser





Johan Tärnell

Johan Tärnell

Financial controller


Financial controller


Niels Christoffersson

Niels Christoffersson

Real asset investments


Real asset investments


Sara Williamson

Sara Williamson

Chief financial officer


Chief financial officer


Stefan Gattberg

Stefan Gattberg

Founder & Board member


Founder & Board member


Thomas Lindström

Thomas Lindström

Investment management


Investment management


Senior advisers

Senior advisers

Our office



Regeringsgatan 59